The Nazareth Home activities staff inspire, engage and enrich the lives of those we serve as they promote everyone’s well-being at the Highlands and Clifton campuses. This week, as we celebrate National Activities Professionals Week, we recognize our activity staff for their creative spirit, enthusiasm, energy and compassion.
A robust activity program is essential to the elders and is at the heart of hospitality and enhancing quality of life. The elders at Nazareth Home went from working, taking care of family, cooking and cleaning to living at a place where those items are now taken care of for them. The elders find themselves with more time on their hands, and offering various meaningful, nurturing and engaging activities is a wonderful way to fill their extra time.
Over the past year, activity programming has changed because of COVID-19. The elders need stimulation and interaction through activities now more than ever. It’s important for them to participate in their favorite activity, spend time engaging with others and, when possible, leave their room for a change of scenery.
Our activity staff has worked tirelessly and courageously to develop new, innovative and meaningful activities that allow for social distancing. These have included activities such as:
The pandemic has brought more consistent use of technology as a means to communicate with family. Facetime and Zoom meetings have been instrumental in keeping the elders in touch with their families. The mobile It’s Never Too Late (iN2L) technology is also used frequently for hallway activities that include music, games and education. As we move into the future, technology will continue to play a large role in the activities schedule.
Not only are the activities teams facilitating programs to keep the elders engaged, but they also are going above and beyond in many other areas.
The teams also work closely with the pastoral care team at both campuses, as they provide additional time for prayer and other religious activities that are so important to the elders.
The intent is the activities at Nazareth Home fit into our person-centered care approach. The activity teams identify each elder’s interests and needs and involve them in ongoing activity programs designed to enhance their physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being.
Our goal is to not just fill time but to enrich the lives of the elders who live at Nazareth Home. Thanks to our activity staff who do just that each day.
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